IAOBP | May 21, 2013 - Page 2 of 6 - IAOBP

Stiff hip and overweight – Liz

Liz, a woman in her early fifties, started with the Buteyko Beathing Method just over a year ago. She was beginning to feel the effects of her age, especially a pronounced pain and stiffness in her hip and generally felt she could lose some weight. Liz had tried going to the local gym and regularly attended exercise classes. Liz never felt committed to them and it didn’t shift the weight. In addition the family responsibilities were increasing as children grew up and her parents became much older and needed help too. It was all becoming a bit much to cope with. When Liz started the Buteyko Breathing exercises she worked hard at the beginning and had strong support from Martha. It was a case of trusting something without knowing how it would actually benefit her in the long run. As the weeks went on Liz realized she had less appetite and was feeling calmer about the stresses of family commitments. After following the specific exercises given she gradually discovered many improvements in her wellbeing and fitness. A year later the change is much greater. Without needing to practice so intensively Liz now can not only maintain this better state but also see it continue to improve. “The Buteyko Method has definitely given me a much-needed handle on life” Liz concludes....

Stress and poor digestion – EM

A male in his mid forties; EM had suffered from a lack of energy and tiredness for many years My concentration was fairly poor and I suffered from low level but persistent stress which resulted in low mood and low confidence levels. I also have always had very dry skin, poor digestion and chronic indigestion was also a problem. My legs were constantly tired and heavy. Symptom History: Over eating, over sleeping, slightly overweight, lack of energy in the morning and it took a long time after getting up to be fully alert. Social history : I am self employed running a growing business with little time for leisure pursuits. Control pause before starting: 8 Control pause now: 25-30 After days of practice After initially starting the program I felt much more alert and was eating less. My mood improved and I felt much more calm; I also felt much less under the pressure of time. After weeks of practice As my practice progressed and control pauses went into high double figures (15-20), I felt the impact of cleansing and at times found this difficult. Support from the teacher (Martha) was critical to my continuing with the practice when this was happening. Symptoms included gum infections, kidney infection and other minor illnesses. These usually lasted a couple of days, unpleasant while happening but I felt much better afterwards. After months of practice I feel that the practice has enabled me to cope with a very very busy lifestyle. Since beginning my practice I have undertaken a degree course in the evening. This is in addition to running my own business. I am certain that without the Buteyko breathing practice I would not have been able to take on the extra commitments. After several months of practice I have more energy overall and am able to get an awful lot more done in the day than previously. I eat less and have lost some weight and feel better because of this. My digestion has improved dramatically and my feet and legs feel better with the tiredness and muscle fatigue gone. I strongly recommend this Buteyko breathing practice to others. I was very sceptical before starting the course but now am absolutely convinced of its value. Martha was a wonderful support throughout the difficult times when symptoms were an issue and this enabled me to keep going with the breathing and reap the benefits long term. I now plan to make another push with my practice and get my control pause up to 35-40....

Underactive thyroid – Sue

Sue is a gardener in her 50′s. She suffered from an early menopause and whirring head at age 37! At age 48 she had many unexplainable niggling problems e.g. aching legs, falling asleep a lot at any time of day and diabetic like symptoms (needing to eat regularly). This coincided with a steep decline in thyroxine levels, at which point the GP could diagnose the problem as Under-active thyroid – Hashimotos syndrome Medication: Thyroxine 100mg/day Control Pause when starting: 12 seconds. Average air intake 4 times more than is optimal Control Pause after months of practice:54 seconds Treatment: Buteyko Breathing Method Workshop plus a bit of extra help After days of practice: My head would feel more awake, (head whirring that precedes sleepiness was much reduced). I could stay awake deep into the night and didn’t need to eat every 2 hours. After weeks of practice: As above and I was generally able to sustain a lot more physical ctivity feeling much more alert. Niggling problems that weren’t addressed by thyroxine were solved, e.g. I had felt that I was deficient in some crucial vitamins or minerals. I started to lose some weight and can take or leave eating. I didn’t get severe cleansing reactions; Martha says because I am vegetarian and eat fairly well. (I did get about 2 hours of alarming excruciating pain where I broke my arm!) After months of practice: After 18 months, I suddenly lost all my fat!. (It did coincide with a major trauma). It has taken 18 months to put some weight back. Now 22 months on I have completely stopped taking thyroxine after gradually reducing the dose. Now I am hardly ever reminded of my under-active thyroid. Occasionally, I would have a bad day when I would need to take some extra thyroxine. This particularly seemed to coincide with illness outbreaks e.g. swine flu or nororvirus. I had some minor symptoms which only lasted a day or so....

Wellbeing and energy – Russell

Russell, an athletic man in his forties has been practicing the Buteyko Breathing Method for just over eight months. He led a healthy and physically active life and held the belief that he just wanted to be healthier. His girlfriend suggested attending one of the free lectures with Martha Roe and Christopher Drake that she had been told about by three different people within a day. Russell had seen a program on the benefits of Buteyko a few years earlier so they were keen to give it a try. He was feeling amazing within the first month. Russell said “My mind was clear and I was coping with stresses from work so much better.” Martha guided Russell through the initial techniques and within six months he was ready to move on to the advanced levels with Christopher. The advanced Buteyko Method works on “The Fire Within” dealing with spiritual understanding of reality linked with the philosophy of Buddhism as well as maintaining optimum health. Russell’s training in psychology reinforces his belief in the ethics of mental health for well people. Russell has continued his daily run and finds that breathing through his nose has helped make it a much more enjoyable experience. His partner has also continued with the exercises. They were astonished to find their appetites have changed and the attraction of sweets and biscuits has vanished. They both feel incredibly healthy and clear-headed. Russell is confident that it is time for the Buteyko Method to be embraced by the medical profession particularly as the Buteyko Method stemmed from years of highly detailed medical research. “It is criminal that every asthma sufferer is not taught how to breathe with this method” he declared. “I will be talking with my GP about how important this is to everyday health. Buteyko Breathing makes the body better.”...

Winter depression (SAD) – Assuntina

After meeting Martha one day and noticing how healthy and well she looked Assuntina came to one of Martha Roe’s introductory talks on the Buteyko Breathing Method.  She was inspired. She had been feeling generally run down, with continual colds and battling severe depression each the winter. She realised it was time to take herself in hand and to get the energy and verve back into her life. Within weeks of starting the breathing Exercises Assuntina could feel the benefits from learning how to breathe correctly. Her mind was agile again and she stopped sleeping in the afternoon. Unfortunately she had lots of cleansing reactions from the beginning; a weekly migraine and a constantly streaming nose culminating in severe sinusitis. It was after this she really felt the benefits of Buteyko. That winter she kept expecting the doldrums but was overjoyed to be full of bounding energy and enjoying the winter for a change. Assuntina then brought her young asthmatic son to one of Martha’s workshops to help him strengthen his chronically weak chest and mentally prepare him for his forthcoming move to secondary school. Since the workshop a year ago he has maintained good health and not missed any days off school during the winter as had been usual. He is now able to forgo his inhaler and has barely had any asthma attacks. The exercises were useful for other kinds of stress too. Before starting his new school he got very agitated. With his mother’s encouragement he practiced his breathing exercises and managed to prevent himself from having a panic attack. They are both very proud of his improvement and self-confidence. He still continues with his exercises. It is a grind at times but he knows the benefits if he keeps it up. Assuntina has let things slip at times but always comes back to it. It is a family thing for Assuntina and her son. They are both convinced of the benefits of the Buteyko Breathing Exercises and are great advocates about the improvements it has brought to their health and mental well-being....

V.T. (Manila, Philippines)

“I am 59 years old – a mother of 9 children. After 3 months of applying Buteyko’s method in my life, I’ve lost 14lbs, and I’ve been able to safely stop taking all of my maintenance medicines – for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and asthma. My blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels are now within normal range without the maintenance medicines. My Body Mass Index also went down considerably. Many friends have commented about my trimmer, firmer body and that I’m more relaxed.”...

D.K. (Cathay Pacific pilot, Hong Kong)

“I thank you very much for teaching me Buteyko’s method. It is such a powerful tool. I feel so much better and more alive. I can handle the absence of sleep, stress and jet-lag a lot easier.”...

Diana Petrie, Cape Town, South Africa

One year ago I was desperate. I have chronic emphysema, and was constantly gasping for air. The slightest exertion (eg climbing as few as 5 stairs) caused further gasping, and usually resulted in a panic attack. I was on three different inhalers which I used at intervals throughout the day. Winter was a nightmare, one bout of pneumonia or bronchitis after the other. The future was bleak, and my condition was worsening rapidly. One day I came across the Buteyko method on the internet, and then my Practitioner, Jac Vidgen. (I was unable to locate a practitioner in South Africa). Jac has very kindly and very patiently taught me to breathe correctly via e-mail. I have not looked back. Within six months my husband and I went to China for a months holiday. My medication has reduced to one inhaler, which I use only at nightand in the morning. My general health has improved dramatically. Where before I was the colour of cheese, I now have rosy cheeks. People are always commenting on how well I look. Jac is a wizard. He says it is the Buteyko method, and yes it is. But it is he who has trained me and encouraged me, and is always there when I need him. I will always be grateful to him for giving me quality of life....

E.L. (Manila, Philippines – previously a quite severe asthmatic on several medications for asthma and rhinitis)

I found that at 11,000 ft. elevation when it was cold and rainy outside, I had to take it easy as I climbed steps. Once I went inside I had no difficulty. Now that I am back in Manila, my husband and I walk one and a half to three miles a day at a brisk pace to and from work. Sometimes we add 45 min. to an hour of walking in the evenings on to that. Three days a week I exercise on a ball and then lift light weights (5 lbs). Every day I also do exercises to strengthen my back and knees. The hill that I had to stop at least three times when I climbed it prior to Buteyko, I can now climb to the top at a fast pace and not have to spend time to recover. It seems that on cloudy and cloudy, hot days that it is more of a challenge to climb than other days. I can usually feel somewhat of a strain in my breathing but not so that I pant or am so out of breath when I get to the top that I need time to recover. My husband read on the internet that people who have taken Buteyko don’t seem to perform significantly higher on lung test than before they took the course. I tried my peak flow meter. I blew 450 which is about the highest that I achieved when on maintenance medicine before. More of the time I was at 425 or 400. So I am doing as well or better now without medication than I was before on medication if you can trust the peak flow meter results. I have not used medication since two years ago this past Christmas. I have also been able to safely halve my blood pressure medicine and eliminate medicine to regulate my heartbeat....

K.E., Hong Kong

I was born with various disabilities while drugs & the birth trauma aggravated those challenges. I am profoundly deaf with low vision (myopia, macular & early cataract issues), moderate dyslexia & various structural challenges including the neck. It is early days, yet Buteyko Method is greatly transforming & rejuvenating my life in various ways. Life has always been challenging like when I am in public. I rely on the writing board, binoculars &/or digital camera to get around. Buteyko Method gives me more courage & confidence to face & resolve new experiences & challenges. For example, I took a new train route & located a new store. In the past, such experiences were very stressful. Nightly, I sleep better & need less sleep. Whenever I come home, I am calm & not wired up. Hearing & dyslexia is slowly improving. I have more vitality that I didn’t have for the past 4-5 yrs while various supplements were stopped &/or reduced. HK smog no longer bothers me thus it is a joy to hike in the hills. I am optimistic that in time, my disabilities & quality of life will improve as I integrate Buteyko in my daily life....

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